Yobelo’s goal has always been to help people understand the true value of their location, and though this is no small feat, we have spent years finetuning the specialized tools and advanced technology that we use to do so. One of the ways that we work towards our mission is by using real participants to collect brain activity feedback about the cities we live in.
For three years now, Yobelo has organized campaigns in various cities in Spain (Barcelona, Terrassa) and the United Kingdom (London, Didcot, Oxford, Harwell) to better understand how people react to the surroundings in their urban environments. Each campaign was carried out with participants of different genders ranging between the ages of 25 and 50.
These volunteers were required to follow a predetermined walking route (less than 20 minutes total) while connected to wearable devices such as EEG that monitored their brain activity throughout their journey. We utilized technology from the mobile app that we developed to connect to the brain monitoring devices, capturing the sights and sounds that each participant experienced during their walk.
These campaigns have allowed Yobelo to track how participants’ brains reacted to their surroundings, namely measuring stress levels. The data has permitted us to make important conclusions about how the landscape of our cities affects our health and our mood. For example, we found a strong correlation between low stress levels and open, green, and quiet areas of the city. If put into practice, the benefits of such findings can be widespread.
Our advanced technology and campaigns allow Yobelo to continue to strive towards finding what everyone’s optimal city, and we are proud to be making advancements within the urban planning industry. We are always open to opportunities to collaborate with other organizations in order to help them achieve a better understanding of the environments that they hope to research.