For a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world!

To support the flagship programme ‘People-Centered Smart Cities’, UN-Habitat was looking for good examples of people-centered smart city initiatives for a new compendium on people-centered smart cities. UN-Habitat wanted to include solutions developed around the world by government agencies, international institutions, NGO’s research institutions, and private companies.

The compendium is planned to be a web-based platform based on an interactive map that showcases smart city initiatives, solutions, and initiatives that make a positive impact on the quality of life of people in cities, communities, and regions. UN-Habitat was particularly interested in finding examples of how technology has been used to improve the lives of the most vulnerable considering the following criteria:

  1. How well does the solution contribute to putting people and their needs at the center of smart city development?
  2. How well does the solution help to build equitable access to ICTs with a focus on internet connectivity, digital skills, and digital devices?
  3. How well this solution addresses how to drive inclusive digital transformation by developing systems, processes, and policies for managing data and digital services?

Last March 2022 we had great news, just 1 month after the official trial launch in Feb 2022, Where ‘Yobelo‘ has been selected to be part of the UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) People-Centered Smart Cities Compendium! 🌍

The Compendium platform was launched during the #wuf11 in Katowice in Poland on the 28th of June. We are so proud 🤗 to be part of this compendium, hoping Yobelo will make a significant impact on people’s Good Health and Well-being #sdg3 , Sustainable Cities and Communities #sdg11 , and Life on Land #sdg15 🌍 The platform is available at:

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